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As long as my heart beats, 

I will Love.

In a word, I am love.

Love ensures the other is happy while happiness feeds love. 

That’s how I feel when I am in my happy place. I’ve been taking pictures for about 30 years and always for friends and family. I would hear “you should be doing this for a living”. I couldn’t do it. Love wouldn’t let me. I had 4 little children to raise. They’re all grown up now and since the birth of my granddaughter, I’ve picked up my new camera to capture as much of her ever changing life as I can. And it was starting again with the “for a living”. Love is, also, giving without the desire or anticipation of a return. Well I’ve started this next chapter of my life that still gives me happiness because as I look through the camera, there it


I hope that you will allow me the opportunity to pick up my camera, look through it, and capture the love on the other side.

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Tel: 954.789.5039

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